Kneeling During the Anthem

Both of these articles not only explain the controversy with kneeling during the National Anthem, but how its affecting more than just professional and college football. Recently at the high school I attended, Lincoln Southeast, a couple of football players decided to kneel. It sparked the attention of many news teams and reporters who brought major publicity to their action. In the article Sterling Smith explained that he had saw Kaepernick take a knee during preseason NFL games and thought that he should do it too. Smith said, “You have every right to stand for the anthem and turn a blind eye to civil issues but I will not.” Later, he turned to social media to explain himself further. Many will have different interpretations about why they did what they did, but I think that there are better ways to go about the situation. I don’t think that turning to social media to argue over the controversy is the most efficient way to solve the problem, nor just doing it for the publicity in his case. People tend to take things to the extreme like when fans responded to the Nebraska football players saying they should be hung before the next anthem. Honestly, that is outrageous. We live in a country where we have freedom of speech and that in some cases this right is a gray area. This issue got me thinking about where it could potentially lead us if we as a country cannot agree. Will action be taken to where the anthem is banned in sporting events due to it being “offensive”?

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